Map of Hiiumaa
Some facts about Hiiumaa:
Area: ~1000 square km, the second largest island and the smallest country in Estonia
Population: ~11 000
Capital: Kärdla Coastline: ~326 km
The longest distance from coast to coast: from Kõpu to Sarve, 60 km
Highest point: Tornimägi, 68 km above sea level
Longest river: Luguse river, 21 km
Biggest lake: Tihu Suurjärv, ~85 ha
Biggest wetland: Pihla bog, ~3050 ha
There are four communes: Pühalepa, Käina, Emmaste and Kõrgessaare commune.
The island has been found in the sea first traces of fishermen and seal hunters. There is a lot of forests in Hiiumaa. It is a small island at the west of Estonia. It’s good to live in Hiiumaa. Here is easy and calm life. Here aren’t so much cars and loud noise as in towns. People in Hiiumaa are friendly. We are all together on little island and we are proud of it. It’s very nice place for living or visit it.
These are some things about Hiiumaa. And you can also learn about Hiiumaa in internet at: